7 Habits Of Online Marketing

7 Habits of Online Marketing are what you must do to succeed in the online business. When you want success in life and business, then there are things you have to do regularly to achieve the things you want. These 7 habits will help you to achieve the things you want.

The First of 7 Habits: Consistency

You must be consistent in your daily routine to achieve big things in life and business. You have to take consistent action when you are in the online marketing world. You won’t create a living when you don’t take action regularly. You have to schedule time for everything important for your business.

The Second of 7 Habits: Planning

You have to plan the things you want and have to do for your online business. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. The better you plan what you want to do, the easier it will be to achieve it. When you plan things, you send out a command to your subconscious mind, which will help you achieve it. Your subconscious mind is powerful in providing the information you need to get what you want.

The Third Habit: Focus

To achieve things in a short time, you have to focus. It\’s so easy to get distracted with all the social media, emails, and so on. Social media is important in the online business, but it’s also time-consuming. The best thing is to set a time frame for using social media and reading emails. One tip I can give you here is to close your email. Only check your emails once or twice a day.

Start all the time with the most important task you have to do for your business. This will bring you the most for your business. The good thing is that you will feel good because you have done one of the important things.

The Fourth Habit: Mastermind

As you work online, you are most of the time alone. One thing I recommend is to join a mastermind group. Nowadays, with technology, it is easy to connect with groups wherever people are in the world. With tools like Zoom, connecting with other marketers and sharing information and tips is easy. You will see you move much faster forward when you are part of such a group.

The Fifth Habit: Mindset

You get what you think most of the time. Regular mindset training is something that will accelerate your success. Working from home makes it easy to get into a negative spiral when things do not work how you want. With personal development, you can learn tools to eliminate negativity faster.

Working from home is very different from working in a corporate job. No other people around you can usually motivate you when you have a bad day. Everything relies on you, therefore it is more important to have the right mindset than when working in a job.

The Sixth of 7 Habits: Tracking

You are your boss when you are in the online marketing niche. Nobody says if you are doing right or not. The best way to have an overview of your results is when you track everything you do. Create a spreadsheet where you note all your activities. Also, install tracking for all the links you use. When you track what you do, it’s easy to see what is working and what is not working. Otherwise, you are unsure which campaign brings you the best results or what kind of blogs are most viewed.

The Seventh of 7 Habits: Think From The End In Mind

What do I mean by this? Always have a clear picture of what you want to achieve in life and with your business. Create a vision board with everything you want to achieve and place it next to your computer. So, when you work at your business, you can occasionally have a short view of your vision board. This will remind your unconscious mind about why you are doing your work. Also, write about what you want to achieve on paper and read it regularly. This will also help you to anchor it into your subconscious mind.

The Conclusion To The 7 Habits

When you implement all these 7 habits into your life, you will see that you will achieve things faster and easier. You will be more focused, and you will find a much faster solution when obstacles cross your way.


Bruno Buergi

3 thoughts on “7 Habits Of Online Marketing”

  1. Great post Bruno,

    I always try to follow these habits, although I would like to go a day without something putting a spanner in the works.

    Challenges, Challenges, Challenges…

    Can you tell I’ve had many of them today.


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